Awards Trotec Master Catalogue

53 Laser marking solutions Laser marking metals Material Features Material : pigments and particles embedded in a carrying liquid Usage: when laser marked, the particles melt together with the surface of the core material (e.g. metal), leaving a permanent • By applying the spray or paste on the blank surface (metal, glass, ceramic), CO2 lasers, as well as fiber or Nd:YAG lasers, produce a permanent black marking • This marking is highly resistant to mechanical and chemical stresses as well as high temperatures • High contrast and resolution can easily be achieved • Perfect for bar coding, product serialisation, logos or individual pieces Size 340 g 170 g Product CerMark LMM 6000 Thermark LMM 14 aerosol Code THLMM6000 THLMM14 Spray not recommended for airfreight LMM14 recommended for softer metals such as Brass, Pewter, Copper and Aluminium Tips Light-grey to brown results indicate that too much laser power or too little marking speed were used. If the marking can be rubbed off, too little power or too high laser speed can be the cause. The same result may occur if the coating is thicker than it should be, or if the material surface is not free of oil or dirt. dark marking 6.0 LW120460 Material Features • Smooth surface quality • Great results even in fine-detail laser cutting due to high fibre density • This is the wood we make our solid wood range of trophies from Not lacquered Material : Podocarp Finish: untreated Cutting method: laser, saw Sheet size : 600 x 200 mm Solid Wood •